Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blog #2:First week as college student

Well having it be the first week of college it was a quit a change from high school. The first day or two didn't really know what to expect. Was the course really going to be as hard as I was told? Was I going to be able to stay caught up with all the work? Was I going to get along with my group members, were they going to like me? These were all reoccurring questions that I would keep asking myself.
The course I am enrolled is the small group communication and leadership. This class has its similarities and differences with that of a high school class I normally attend. Well the main and probably one of if not the only similarity is the class size in means of students in the classroom. Other then that most things are different such as the speed in witch the class goes. Here we read one chapter a night then take a quiz over it first thing the following morning. When in the high school setting I was more used to reading the night before then the next day look it over with the class.
The hardest part to me so far probably has to be the transition from high school setting to college setting. By this I mean in high school there would always be someone there to nag you to do something to turn in homework to get to class. That's not the case here. Here we have to be more dependent upon ourselves.

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